Learning good representation of giga-pixel level whole slide pathology images (WSI) for downstream tasks is critical. Previous studies employ multiple instance learning (MIL) to represent WSIs as bags of sampled patches because, for most occasions, only slide-level labels are available, and only a tiny region of the WSI is disease-positive area. However, WSI representation learning still remains an open problem due to: (1) patch sampling on a higher resolution may be incapable of depicting microenvironment information such as the relative position between the tumor cells and surrounding tissues, while patches at lower resolution lose the fine-grained detail; (2) extracting patches from giant WSI results in large bag size, which tremendously increases the computational cost. To solve the problems, this paper proposes a hierarchical-based multimodal transformer framework that learns a hierarchical mapping between pathology images and corresponding genes. Precisely, we randomly extract instant-level patch features from WSIs with different magnification. Then a co-attention mapping between imaging and genomics is learned to uncover the pairwise interaction and reduce the space complexity of imaging features. Such early fusion makes it computationally feasible to use MIL Transformer for the survival prediction task. Our architecture requires fewer GPU resources compared with benchmark methods while maintaining better WSI representation ability. We evaluate our approach on five cancer types from the Cancer Genome Atlas database and achieved an average c-index of $0.673$, outperforming the state-of-the-art multimodality methods.
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随着社交媒体的发展,社交沟通已经改变。尽管这有助于人们的沟通和信息访问,但它也提供了传播谣言的理想平台。在正常或关键的情况下,谣言会影响人们的判断力,甚至危害社会保障。但是,自然语言是高维且稀疏的,并且在社交媒体上可以以数百种方式表达同样的谣言。因此,质疑当前谣言检测模型的鲁棒性和概括。我们提出了一个小说\ textbf {h} ierarchical \ textbf {a} dversarial \ textbf {t}降雨法,用于\ textbf {r} umor \ textbf {d} etection(hat eTection(hat4rd)在社交媒体上。具体而言,HAT4RD基于梯度上升,通过将对抗性扰动添加到后级别和事件级别模块的嵌入层以欺骗检测器。同时,检测器使用随机梯度下降来最大程度地减少对抗性风险,以学习更健壮的模型。通过这种方式,增强了后级和事件级的样本空间,我们已经在各种对抗性攻击下验证了模型的鲁棒性。此外,视觉实验表明,所提出的模型会漂移到具有扁平损失景观的区域,从而更好地概括。我们对来自两个常用的社交平台(Twitter和Weibo)的三个公共谣言数据集评估了我们的方法。实验结果表明,我们的模型比最先进的方法获得了更好的结果。
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电磁源成像(ESI)需要解决高度不良的反问题。为了寻求独特的解决方案,传统的ESI方法施加了各种形式的先验,这些方法可能无法准确反映实际的源属性,这可能会阻碍其广泛的应用。为了克服这一局限性,在本文中,提出了一种新的数据合成的时空卷积编码器网络方法,称为dst-cednet。 DST-CEDNET将ESI作为机器学习问题重新铸造,其中歧视性学习和潜在空间表示形式集成到卷积编码器decoder网络(CEDNET)中,以从测量的电脑摄影/磁脑摄影学(E/MEG)信号中学习强大的映射,大脑活动。特别是,通过纳入有关动态大脑活动的先验知识,设计了一种新型的数据合成策略来生成大规模样本,以有效训练Cednet。这与传统的ESI方法相反,在传统的ESI方法中,通常通过主要旨在用于数学便利的约束来实施先前的信息。广泛的数值实验以及对真实MEG和癫痫脑电图数据集的分析表明,DST-Cednet在多种源配置下稳健估计源信号的多种最新ESI方法的表现。
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Large pretrained language models can easily produce toxic or biased content, which is prohibitive for practical use. In order to detect such toxic generations, existing methods rely on templates, real-world data extraction, crowdsourcing workers, or automatic generation to construct adversarial contexts that are likely to induce toxic generations. However, what type of context is more likely to induce unsafe responses is still under-explored. In this paper, we identify that context toxicity and context category (e.g., \textit{profanity}, \textit{insult}, \textit{drugs}, etc.) are two important factors to cause safety issues in response generation. Hence, we propose a method called \emph{reverse generation} to construct adversarial contexts conditioned on a given response, with the flexibility to control category, toxicity level, and inductivity of the generated contexts. Via reverse generation, we augment the existing BAD dataset and construct a new dataset BAD+ which contains more than 120K diverse and highly inductive contexts in 12 categories. We test three popular pretrained dialogue models (Blender, DialoGPT, and Plato2) and find that BAD+ can largely expose their safety problems. Furthermore, we show that BAD+ can greatly enhance the safety of generation and reveal the key factors of safety improvement. Our code and dataset is available at \url{https://github.com/thu-coai/Reverse_Generation}.
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With the drive to create a decentralized digital economy, Web 3.0 has become a cornerstone of digital transformation, developed on the basis of computing-force networking, distributed data storage, and blockchain. With the rapid realization of quantum devices, Web 3.0 is being developed in parallel with the deployment of quantum cloud computing and quantum Internet. In this regard, quantum computing first disrupts the original cryptographic systems that protect data security while reshaping modern cryptography with the advantages of quantum computing and communication. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a quantum blockchain-driven Web 3.0 framework that provides information-theoretic security for decentralized data transferring and payment transactions. First, we present the framework of quantum blockchain-driven Web 3.0 with future-proof security during the transmission of data and transaction information. Next, we discuss the potential applications and challenges of implementing quantum blockchain in Web 3.0. Finally, we describe a use case for quantum non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and propose a quantum deep learning-based optimal auction for NFT trading to maximize the achievable revenue for sufficient liquidity in Web 3.0. In this way, the proposed framework can achieve proven security and sustainability for the next-generation decentralized digital society.
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作为一个与现实世界互动的虚拟世界,元媒体封装了我们对下一代互联网的期望,同时带来了新的关键绩效指标(KPIS)。常规的超级可靠和低延迟通信(URLLC)可以满足绝大多数客观服务KPI,但是很难为用户提供个性化的荟萃服务体验。由于提高经验质量(QOE)可以被视为当务之急的KPI,因此URLLC朝向下一代URLLC(XURLLC),以支持基于图形技术的荟萃分析。通过将更多资源分配给用户更感兴趣的虚拟对象,可以实现更高的QoE。在本文中,我们研究了元服务提供商(MSP)和网络基础架构提供商(INP)之间的相互作用,以部署Metaverse Xurllc服务。提供了最佳合同设计框架。具体而言,将最大化的MSP的实用程序定义为元用户的QOE的函数,同时确保INP的激励措施。为了建模Metaverse Xurllc服务的Qoe,我们提出了一个名为Meta Immersion的新颖指标,该指标既包含了客观网络KPI和元用户的主观感觉。使用用户对象注意级别(UOAL)数据集,我们开发并验证了注意力吸引人的渲染能力分配方案以改善QOE。结果表明,与常规的URLLC相比,Xurllc平均提高了20.1%的QoE改善。当总资源有限时,QoE改进的比例较高,例如40%。
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